Our licensed notary public will notarize financial, real estate, legal, and other important documents while you wait. No appointment is necessary.
Please keep the following things in mind:
Signing a notarized document is important. In many cases it carries the same status as testifying in court. It is therefore essential that all signatories have read the document(s) prior to signing to confirm that the data is accurate and that they can sign it as their voluntary act and deed.
All signatories must be present for their signatures to be notarized.
Some notary statements require that the notary watch you actually sign the document. You may fill in blanks and information within the document ahead of time, but do not sign or date documents until you are in the presence of the notary.
You will need to show the notary a current photo ID such as a driver's license or a passport to confirm your identity.
If your document requires the signature of witnesses in addition to the notary, it is your responsibility to arrange to have witnesses present
You can Come to us to have your passport photo taken. Our photos meet all requirements for United States passports and other photo id. cards. We also offer a variety of U.S. postal services for on-time delivery to the National Passport Processing Center.
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call us at 561-721-2414